

The CyberSecurity Hub activities are focused on:

  • Increasing the level of cyber security of electronic services managed by public or private entities;
  • Increasing the competitiveness of Romanian research through innovation and supporting the performance of researchers in the public environment, by developing the private capacity to absorb state-of-the-art technology, to adapt these technologies to market needs and to develop, together with public institutions, technologies or services the progress of Romanian research;
  • Increasing the Romanian contribution to the progress of research at international level by increasing the international visibility of the RDI (Research-Development and Innovation) capacity of the researchers of the hub members, by training a critical mass of researchers in the field of cybersecurity and emerging, but also by promoting interdisciplinary scientific initiatives;
  • Cooperation between research and development and innovation institutions and the business environment through joint projects;
  • Strengthening the innovation capacity of enterprises and strengthening their contribution to the creation of new products and services with the potential of commercial exploitation on the domestic and international market;
  • Promoting the results of applied research both among the signatories of this agreement and to other public or private entities;
  • Using the opportunities related to the existing research-development potential, including the applied research, as well as the one created by carrying out the projects that will be contracted;
  • Attracting European, international, national and local funds, which will be used to achieve the objectives of the hub;
  • Simplifying the technology transfer processes, as well as consolidating a favorable environment for the sustainable development of the business environment;
  • Developing the activity of the hub by creating a science, industrial and technological park;
  • Creating an ecosystem for education, training and professional development in the field of cyber security;
  • Carrying out research and development activities at the request of economic agents or within projects from national and international research programs;
  • Providing support for testing and validation of security technologies proposed to be used for the protection of information and communication systems belonging to the structures of the national system of defense, public order and national security;
  • Analysis of new technologies in order to identify the security risks induced by them;
  • Providing advice and expertise to hub partners as well as to third parties in investigating cyber security incidents or for solving complex problems;
  • Conducting, in high quality conditions, training courses that present the most modern approaches and technologies available to ensure the security of information and communication infrastructures;
  • Organizing, independently or in collaboration with other institutions, cyber defense exercises aimed at testing the ability of participants to cope with real cyber attacks;
  • Development of guides, procedures and practical manuals on the implementation of measures to protect computer systems and communications against cyber attacks;
  • Dissemination of results and lessons learned by organizing and participating in round tables, symposia and conferences;
  • Developing the cyber security culture through awareness programs and training of electronic service users;
  • Support for the integration of cyber security in the school curriculum, both for the academic and pre-university environment