
The CyberSecurity Hub – Digital Innovation Hub was formed by the founding members based in the Partnership Agreement, a document underlying this proposal. The agreement defines the governance structure of the hub based on the following principles

  • The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the hub.
  • Each hub member shall appoint one representative to the General Assembly.
  • Following the signing of this Partnership Agreement, the General Assembly will agree on the Rules of Procedure.

According to these principles, any member of the CyberSecurity Hub will be directly represented in the management structure of the hub, the General Assembly.

Within the hub, all its members, regardless of whether they are beneficiaries or service providers, will have equal representation in the management structure. In our vision, CyberSecurity Hub will have a development strategy anchored in reality and consistent with the digitalization needs of society only through the direct involvement of all members, regardless of their role.

The Agreement also sets out the principles underlying the future development of the hub, as well as the principles necessary for the transparency of the decision-making process:

  • Any legal person can become a member of the hub, by expressing, through a free request, the desire to be a member of the hub, to promote and support activities specific to the purpose and objectives of the hub, and to comply with the hub partnership agreement.
  • The Parties to this Agreement shall inform each other of all their efforts done to achieve the purpose and objectives of the hub Partnership Agreement.

As already stated, all members of the hub, regardless of their role, are represented in the General Assembly, the governing structure of the hub, and have equal rights in decision making.

Also, the CyberSecurity Hub will pursue in the next period its expansion by including new members, both beneficiaries and service providers in the area of cyber security.