A Digital Innovation Hub for CyberSecurity in Romania

Our mission

The Innovative Digital Hub “CyberSecurity Hub – CSH” is a non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical body, without legal personality, which aims through its activity to assume the status of a regional digital innovation hub, pole of excellence in the field of Cyber Security and to promote the development of a policy aimed at integrating cybersecurity into the digitization of services within public and private entities in Romania.

The CyberSecurity Hub activities are focused on


University & Academia

Guvernamental & Public Institutions 

Networks & Cluster Organizations

Private Companies

Research Institutions

Innovation Incubators & Startups


Education & Training

Specialized training and awareness activities for public and private entities in the Cyber Security field


Development of innovative solutions in cooperation


Joint projects in applied research, development, and innovation


Supporting startups through consulting and access to infrastructure

Demo Spaces and Labs

Sharing access to existing infrastructure and Demo Spaces