CyberHack 2021

Cyberhack 2021


Cyberhack 2021

A big part of our life happens online. We work here, we meet our friends, we keep our photo albums. We use the Internet for shopping and for money transfers. Additionally, more and more public services are delivered directly to our phone or laptop.

We got used to watching both sides when crossing the street. Now we have to learn to take care of ourselves and our loved ones in cyberspace.

CyberHack 2021 is an annual event organized through the cooperation of several principal actors from the cybersecurity sector, through which we support the growth & resilience of numerous small but impactful systems in Romania.

Cyber Championship
Media Cyberchallenge

APARTMENT TYPECozy & Functional Interiors

Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task – that is, eliminating energy waste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of ecological benefits.